<prefix> by default is <ctrl> + b, but with the config below it is rebound to <ctrl> + a.


tmux new -s <session_name>          # Create a new named session
tmux ls                             # List current sessions    
tmux attach -t <session_name>       # Attach to an existing named session
tmux kill-session -t <session_name> # Kill a session
<prefix> + d                        # Detach from the current session

<prefix> + ?                        # List key bindings


<prefix> + c    # Create a new window
<prefix> + ,    # Change window name
<prefix> + &    # Kill the current window
<prefix> + 0-9  # Change to window by number id


<prefix> + "        # Split vertically
<prefix> + %        # Split horizontally
<prefix> + x        # Kill the current pane
<prefix> + z        # Zoom the active pane

<prefix> + ←/→/↑/↓                  # Navigate panes with direction arrows
<prefix> & hold <ctrl> + ←/→/↑/↓    # Resize current pane with direction arrows
                                    # hold ctrl and tap arrow for multiple steps

<prefix> + }        # Move pane to the right
<prefix> + {        # Move pand to the left
<prefix> + <space>  # Cycle pane layout options

Copy/Edit Mode

<prefix> + [    # Enter copy/edit mode
<space>         # Enter copy mode
<enter>         # While in copy mode, saves selection to a buffer
                # Custom config below also pipes to system clipboard
<prefix> + ]    # Paste buffer

vi mode

?   # Search up
/   # Search down



If on macOS using Terminal, make sure to enable “Use Option as Meta Key” in preferences to get access to ‘alt’ via the ‘option’ key.

<prefix> + shift + p        # Start/stop logging
<prefix> + alt + shift + p  # Capture current history to log file
<prefix> + alt + p          # Save visible text (aka text 'screenshot')

tmux Config

~/.tmux.conf based on IppSec’s intro

# set prefix
set -g prefix C-a
bind C-a send-prefix
unbind C-b

# Quality of life
set -g history-limit 10000
set -g allow-rename off

# Window & Pane number starts from 1 (instead of 0)
set -g base-index 1
setw -g pane-base-index 1

# Join Windows
bind-key j command-prompt -p "Join pane from:" "join-pane -s '%%'"
bind-key s command-prompt -p "Send pane to:" "join-pane -t '%%'"

# Search Mode VI (default is emac)
set-window-option -g mode-key vi

# Pipe copy buffer to system clipboard
# Make sure to have xclip installed: sudo apt-get install xclip -y
bind -T copy-mode-vi Enter send-keys -X copy-pipe-and-cancel "xclip -i -f -selection primary | xclip -i -selection clipboard"

# tmux-logging Plugin
run-shell /opt/tmux-logging/logging.tmux